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Emergency aid “Fitoria”

In the modern world the dependence of speed and result is observed too often. Medical aid “Fitoria” provides a complex of necessary help aimed at providing medical care at the location.

In a situation that has developed in the field of medicine in modern Ukraine, it is often that the family of patients fined it possible to send him for treatment abroad. You can call an ambulance with the all necessary and professional equipment without any additional complications. Thanks to the technological equipment of our machines, we have the opportunity to monitor the patients during transportation. We provide medical care and professional support during transportation of the patients from abroad, transportation and meeting of the patients at the airport and at the railway station. At the same time, we are obliged to have an individual approach to each patient, depending on his condition and situation.

The state of the medical care structure is not the best in Ukraine. Not all regions have the opportunity to use the necessary equipment. The medical company “Fitoria” offers medical care assistance in hard-to-reach areas, including villages and farms. Diagnosis at the location is widely used due to the equipment of machines, including the diagnosis of ultrasound at home. Not so many hospitals in the countryside boast of skilled staff and diagnostic equipment. There are categories of people who are not able to reach the points of delivery of full medical care. Our company offers consultations and treatment at home, including narrow specializations such as: the surgeon, cardiologist, therapist and pediatrician. If it is necessary we carry out manipulations on location.

Specialists of the company will take care of lying or seriously ill patients, diagnostics and treatment included. If it is necessary you can call the ambulance for the carriage of a lying patient, elderly patients, or people with restraint in movement.


In connection with the development of progress, the density of road transport has increased, which entails an increase in the number of car accidents. After calling the ambulance on the accident the medical aid and further service covers the provision of first medical care. We transport, treat and take care about the car accident patients. Doctors have all the necessary medical equipment to provide various types of care in all conditions including the severely injured patients. We provide emergency help for road accident patients for free.