Medical help
Ultrasound diagnostics
The medical aid “Fitoria” provides ultrasound diagnostic services with equipment equipped in modern ambulance and experienced specialists. Ultrasound diagnosis is one of the safer researches even for babies. This study is distinguished by its maximum in formativeness, shows the state of organs and processes in the present time, allows you to see changes and violations, and also to determine the presence of pathologies in a timely manner. The type of diagnosis has a minimum of indications for application, and the number of organs that are examined is large. So this type of modern diagnosis is often used to provide the most accurate diagnosis and to determine the correct course of treatment.
You can see in a large list of organs that can take an ultrasound diagnostics:
- Organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis (including tumors, inflammatory processes);
- Diagnosis of changes and heart disorders;
- Soft tissues of the body;
- Kidneys, adrenal glands and bladder (determination of kidney and vessel function, pathological changes in the urinary system;
- Gynecological (reproductive organs, its disorders and inflammatory processes);
- Screening (for pregnant women);
- Children’s brain until the year;
- Doppler of vessels of all extremities (definition of contractions and circulatory disorders, review of the walls of the vessels, the presence of blood clots, etc.).
The ultrasound examination is conducted efficiently and safely, showing the most qualitative indicators respectively. The methodology of ultrasound is quite common in pediatrics, its advantage is painlessness, speed and the largest amount of information extracted.
Data, if you wish and need can be provided, both in paper form and on a tape, as an electronic media carrier. The medical aid “Fitoria” will help you to receive qualitative information for accurate diagnosis, additional research or preventive maintenance. Contact as at any time, we will be glad to help you!
Transportation of patients
Transportation of the patient – a service that is increasingly gaining momentum. In Ukraine, it’s not often possible to hear about the transportation of patients, and about the delivery from abroad. But we are developing together with the state and we like to use comfortable services. Therefore, the medical assistance “Fitoria” offers for your use high-speed ambulance that has all the necessary equipment to accompany the patient to the place of hospitalization. Thanks to doctors-consultants, the patient’s condition throughout the entire path will be maintained in good condition. Perhaps there was a need to move from one medical institution to another, or a partial visit to other health facilities.

It is very important to take a cautious attitude towards the seriously ill people. The comfort issue is very relevant for the family and accompanying people. Often the sick patient who is needed the transportation within the state or abroad for treatment, rehab are suffering physically and morally from illness. Our specialists are aware of this point. The condition of the patient and his family are the main factors in such work. We can assure you with all responsibility that the quality and comfort of the ambulance meets all the requirements. Depending on the condition and the specificity of the situation, we try to create cosines, providing the patient with appropriate care and the most convenient position during the movement, to create the usual microclimate, temperature regime. The attending physician is provided with everything necessary to support the condition of the patient or to provide urgent medical assistance.

During the transportation within the country, our employees not only relocate the patient to a hospital or a medical institution of another direction, but also help him move to a bed, armchair or wheelchair. You will not have to worry about how you should move a patient on the upper floors. In the case of transportation abroad, special support is provided by doctors who are responsible for the patient’s condition throughout the trip. In the same way the escort is organized to the airport or train station including refueling the transport. High level of preparedness of specialists, complete set of ambulance, high-quality, fast and safe service are those factors that the “Fitoria” medical assistance will be guaranteed during transportation of all difficulty conditions patients.
Consultation of narrow specialists at the home
Medical assistance “Fitoria” provides consulting services at home of the narrow specialists. Very often the uncertainty about the quality of service delivery leads to tragic consequences. We guarantee fast and high-quality service; advice, diagnosis and treatment are carried out by qualified specialists who have experience in their fields; to patients and their problems are understandable and they want to help. We suggest consulting doctors of the following directions:

1. Therapist and pediatrician:
- Ongoing surveillance and counseling during pregnancy;
- Observing the development of the child from birth;
- Current monitoring of adult health status;
- Rapid and qualitative diagnosis;
- Treatment and care of patients with chronic diseases and conditions;
- Timely identification of health risks;
- Emergency care in acute state of health disorder;
- Definition, consultation of a therapist / pediatrician for the treatment of patients;
- If necessary, issuance of certificates, disability sheet, etc.

2. Cardiologist:
- Diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmia due to the latest technology and equipment;
- Сontrol, recommendations for blood pressure within the norm;
- Diagnostics, treatment appointment and further care of hypertonic, ischemic diseases, angina pectoris, vegetative-vascular dysfunction;
- Care of patients with arrhythmia and heart failure; patients after a heart attack; heart defects;
- Assisting in the identification and diagnosis of pain in the area of the heart and around it.
3. Surgeon:

- Pediatric surgery;
- Preparation of patients for planned surgical interventions;
- Care and dressing after surgery;
- Skin and nosebleeds;
- Timely detection of acute surgical events;
- Benign skin and subcutaneous tissue formations;
- Treatment of injuries, burns and various lesions of skin tissues;
- Recovery after injuries and burn consequences;
- Manipulative procedures for recovery, etc.
Care for seriously ill patient
An important part of the services provided by the medical aid “Fitoria” is to help family to taking care seriously ill patients. Usually, patients in this condition need to be supervised 24/7. It often brings complexity into the life of the family – there is not always a chance to give up work and qualify to serve the patient. It is necessary to control the color of the skin, blood pressure and pulse within normal limits, changes in breathing.

It is important to take care of comfort: a clean bed; soft and seamless linen, timely spread; comfortable position, even if you cannot use functional beds. Severe ill need special hygiene measures that our specialists will provide. These include rubbing the body, wiping your teeth and tongue if necessary, and washing the oral cavity. Special attention is given to competent help when changing the position and proper placement of the patient from the bed. It is also possible that a special diet will be needed, which cannot be avoided without experienced workers.
Direction of help is to create a comfortable emotional and physical condition. All the most essential for the care of the patient will be provided by experienced medical specialists “Fitoria”.
Carrying out manipulations at home
Carrying of manipulations at home are needed, taking into account the various categories of patients. Often there is a need to overcome long distances to take a manipulation. Therefore, the best way is to call to qualified medical specialists “Fitoria”. Especially convenient service when a patient is in a serious age, in a difficult condition or with limited abilities.
The medical aid “Fitoria” provides services daily, and manipulations are carried out by the best specialists with considerable experience. Required materials, disinfectants, means for introducing therapeutic liquids (tripods for drops, syringes, dressings, etc.), the medical materials themselves will be delivered to your home in accordance with the letter of medical prescriptions.
At the beginning of the manipulation, the consultant must conduct a preliminary examination of the patient’s condition and problems collect and analyze information on the impact of various therapeutic methods on the development of the disease. Conduct measurements of current body temperature, pressure and pulse.
And also provide the following services:

- Training the rules of nursing babies;
- If necessary, training patients and family basic rules for the care of patients;
- Subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous administration of medicinal liquid;
- Intravenous drip infusions of medicinal liquids;
- Introduction of suppositories;
- Cleansing and flushing of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Preparing a patient for a variety of studies, etc.
Go to the patients
Medical aid “Fitoria” provides reliable and high-quality medical care to all segments of the population. Regardless of the day of the week or weekends, and hours of the day you can safely call our experts at home to provide the required range of help. Given the fact that patients often feel calm and relaxed in their home, it is easier for doctors to find a common language with the patient and helps the doctor to make a fast and qualified examination of the patient. That is why we emphasize that our slogan is to provide fast, comfortable, qualified medical care by using an individual approach and paying the maximum attention to the patient.
We provide medical assistance in hard-to-reach areas of the regions. Our specialists will take care about the patients with a variety of chronic diseases. We will get to your location and conduct professional diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases. If the home of an ill patient is located on a farm, and there is a no possibility to go to a hospital or the doctor does not meet your requirements, the medical assistance “Fitoria” will help you. We will definitely provide recommendations and a detailed explanation of prescribed medication; we will discuss and show you how to handle properly the procedure. By the way, our doctors will professionally carry out the necessary manipulations. One of the types of medical care is the possibility to invite the narrow specialists on your location or you can consult with our doctor. This is a very convenient feature, especially if your village can not boast of such specialists. Imagine a situation when after the examination the doctor you need the hospitalization. In this case, there is no reason to worry – we will provide transportation and skilled support of the consultant’s doctor to the place of hospitalization.
Our service center has a new function for Ukraine. We offer it to your attention. In the modern world, it is not new, but the main trend is a healthy lifestyle. Qualified Fitoria specialists will kindly, accessible and professionally conduct an informative conversation as part of a healthy lifestyle, help you sort out and respond to your concerns in this regard. If you have a bad habit and want to get rid of it; you cannot understand what is harming your health – you should immediately contact our health care.